Having joined the NYU Robotics Design Team at the start of my college experience, I was able to participate in one of NYU's Vertically Integrated Projects that allowed me to quickly gain practical engineering knowledge. The team also focuses on volunteering, and this has given me the opportunity to participate in mentoring and volunteering events with the likes of Mouse, helping middle schoolers learn about the fundamentals of robotics, as well as computer science and circuitry.
The team participates every year in the NASA Robotic Mining Competition, with the goal of creating a lunar rock excavating robot. Over my two year participation, I took on the role of Systems Engineering Lead, with the task of managing the comprehensive systems engineering report, and with the help of other system engineers, integrating the various ongoing projects. Other administrative duties included hosting member trainings, assigning tasks, and helping guide the final version of the robot.
My work also involved more traditional mechanical roles, and I helped build various components of our rover, including the wheels, digging drum, and linear actuator assemblies.